Maxim Marchenko, the governor of Ukraine’s Odessa region, told the Telegram that Moscow had been hit by two Neptune anti-ship missiles, causing “serious damage.”
During the first days of the war, Moscow was reportedly the ship that called on Ukrainian troops stationed on Snake Island to surrender in opposition. In a widespread recording, a soldier replied, “Russian warship, go — yourself.”
2. Zelensky praises the spirit of Ukraine on the 50th day of the war
Vladimir Zelensky told Ukrainians on Thursday night that they should be proud to have survived 50 days of war, when the Russians “gave us a maximum of five.”
In a recent video address, Zelensky called it “an achievement of millions of Ukrainians, of all those who made the most important decision of their lives on February 24 – to fight.”
The President of Ukraine gave an extensive and almost poetic list of the many ways in which Ukrainians have helped repel Russian troops, including “those who have shown that Russian warships can sail, even if they are at sea”, in reference until the sinking of “Moscow”.
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