
Google Stealth is launching the Switch to Android app in the App Store

Google has quietly released a new app designed to make it easier for people to switch to an Android device from their iPhone. The new app, called Switch to Android, is now available in the App Store, but only for those who know the connection. At the time of writing, he is not appearing in the search for unknown reasons.

While searching the App Store is not good, clicking our link should take you directly to the App Store entry.

The app, first spotted by TechCrunch, helps people turn off iMessage to avoid any lost text, while helping with iCloud moving photos and videos.

Moreover, the description of the Google App Store says that no cables are needed.

Google’s Android Switch helps you quickly and securely move your most important data types – photos, videos, contacts, and calendar events – to a brand new Android device without the need for cables.

As expected, the app is already collecting fake reviews, with one person simply asking “Why would anyone want to drop their phone?” Switching from Android to iPhone is something that seems much more likely to happen, right?

Apple already offers an application that helps people go the other way – it offers an application in the Google Play store, as well as a support document that outlines the necessary steps.

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