
NASA shares stunning image of Mars crater, internet says “looks like alien footprint”

The image shared by NASA garnered more than 449,000 likes.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a stunning image of a crater on Mars on Monday, astonishing the netizens. “The Martian crater marks the place,” the space agency wrote in a caption on the Instagram image.

NASA captured the image using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s High Resolution Science Experiment (HiRISE). In a social media post, she informed her followers that they were looking at 0 ° longitude of Mars, which is equivalent to the Greenwich Observatory on the Red Planet.

“The map is designed here at a scale of 50 centimeters (19.7 inches) per pixel,” NASA wrote in the caption. See the image below:

After sharing, the post garnered more than 449,000 likes. Several Instagram users expressed their awe in the comments section. “It looks like the imprint of aliens on Mars,” wrote one user. “All of God’s creation encompasses beauty, and the universe is no exception,” said another. “Something spectacular that leaves you speechless !!!” add a third.

We must mention that the Greenwich Observatory on Earth is located on top of a steep hill in London, UK. It marks the main meridian of the Earth, which is a north-south line that determines where east meets west and is used as a zero reference line for astronomical observations.

Returning to the mesmerizing image of Mars in the inscription, NASA revealed that a larger crater is located in a second rocky basin called “Air Crater”. He explains that Airy Crater initially determined zero length for the Red Planet, but as scientists began to take more detailed images of the planet’s surface, they needed a more accurate marker. Therefore, the space agency has identified the smaller crater – called Airy-0 (zero) – as the first meridian, so as not to change existing maps.