Sometimes you come across a DIY project and immediately start figuring out ways you could use it in your life. This happened to us here at The Verge when someone released SmartKnob View, a project to prove the concept by engineer Scott Bezek, in our Slack chat. While this doesn’t seem to be the type of project most people could go out and build on their own right now (more on that later), it’s easy to imagine a future where it’s available as a kit or where someone has it. turns into a real product.
The smart button looks like a Nest mini thermostat, but Bezek has programmed it to have many modes. Of course, it can simply act as a rotating dial, but you can also program its motor to provide haptic feedback and resistance, giving you the feeling that you are reaching an end point where the dial can no longer rotate. Since this illusion is created by software instead of hardware, you can do a lot. It can act as a rotary on / off switch, return to the center after you rotate and release it, and even simulate ratchet steps.
When my colleagues and I heard about the button, a Verge employee immediately suggested that it would be great for controlling the shower temperature; another said they would use it as a sophisticated scroll wheel or volume control. Personally, I thought it would be a great way to raise how much food my cat feeder provides.
According to Bezek’s GitHub page for the smart button, the device (which is far from complete) can be built for “certainly less than $ 200 per piece.” The page also includes the project code, as well as absolutely rich information on how the knob is assembled and which parts it uses. Bezek also said on Twitter that he would make a video detailing the assembly and design process for his SmartKnob.
Unfortunately, for now, we will probably have to give up our dreams of button-operated home automation. Bezek’s project FAQ says it has “implemented enough firmware just for the demonstration shown in the video” and that the knob can’t actually be used to control much of it right now. It would also be difficult to obtain parts – Bezek writes that “as a result of the popularity of this project, it seems that the recommended engines are unfortunately no longer available for purchase.”
Yes, the button has USB-C. Image: Scott Bezek
However, even with just barebone firmware, I still want to create one and use it as the best toy. Maybe while he designs and the parts are available, I will be able to upgrade my skills to the point where I can handle the advanced soldering techniques needed to make a truly smart button.
Bezek admits that the button is “not yet a mature plug-and-play project”, but says he will continue to work on it and even has a kind of roadmap on his GitHub page. I hope that he will be able to turn this into a real thing that is practical to do yourself – I want a future in which I can create an army of buttons to control everything in my house. Does the volume of the TV need to be adjusted? button. Want to turn off your camera and end a Zoom conversation in one go instead of pressing a button? button. Should you stop procrastinating with writing an article? I still can’t figure out how to solve this with a button, but I assure you I will understand.
What would you use a smart button for?
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