An autistic teenager who disappeared from his home in California nearly three years ago has been found alive in Utah.
Summit County Sheriff’s Deputies found Connerjack Oswalt crushed and asleep in a grocery store last Saturday. After accepting him and checking his fingerprints, police were able to identify him as a missing person from Clearlake, California in 2019.
Oswalt wandered when he was 17, his mother Susan Flint recalls.
“I never stopped looking for him. “There was not a day that I didn’t look for him, in some form or way,” she said.
When authorities called the family to say their son had been found, his father, Gerald Flint, quit his job and spent four hours meeting with him in person.
“We have not treated [Oswalt] as a criminal. “We acted like someone who has something deeper that we need to delve into,” said Sheriff Justin Martinez. “That intuition is what really united this family.”
With postal wires
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