During his school holidays, the young Rishi helped with family finances, working as a waiter at Kuti’s Brasserie, an Indian restaurant near his home.
“He was a great boy, from a very good family and he worked hard,” said Kuti Mia, a family friend and bright owner of the restaurant. “Right now there is no better person to be in his place, that’s a fact.
Winchester was followed by Oxford, where Sunak received a first degree in PPE, then a job at City at Goldman Sachs, before studying for an MBA at Stanford University in California as a Fulbright Fellow. There he met his wife Akshata Murti. She also had parents who had started with nothing and continued to generate a legacy for their children – in their case Infosys, a global giant that made them multibillionaires.
Upon his return to the UK, Sunak became a partner in the children’s investment fund hedge fund and then left to help found Theleme Partners, launched in October 2010 with a $ 700 million management.
In the year before he became an MP, he was the director of his wife’s investment fund Catamaran Ventures, which has so far invested more than £ 4 million in start-ups. Instead of being encouraged to invest more, she is faced with questions about whether she has broken any rules by giving the company the amount that is a tax-free loan.
When campaigning for MPs in 2015, Rishi Sunak liked to tell voters how proud he was that “you can come to this country with very little”, like his parents, and to build something that would take your family all the way to Parliament. “For my family,” he said, “the route was education.”
His parents, who thought they were doing the right thing by working hard and giving their children progress in life, would no doubt be intimidated by the thought that success in business should deprive their son of the greatest prize of becoming prime minister. .
As the current No. 10 incumbent once said, “Instead of treating business as morally questionable, we conservatives should celebrate its power to do good.”
Four countries are queuing up to attract the super-rich
Tom Rees
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