
Conservative leadership: Aichison will abolish the carbon tax

Conservative candidate for the Conservative Party of Canada Scott Aichison says that while the price of carbon may be the “most effective” policy to limit emissions, he would refuse it anyway.

In an interview with CTV in question on Sunday, the Ontario-based MP said that although he would not introduce tax policy as a leader, he would present a climate plan.

“We need to reduce emissions, no doubt about it, but we really need to help Canadians reduce their footprint. “I admit that you know that a carbon tax may be the most effective and efficient way to do this, but it is not the fairest way to do it,” he said.

“We need to work with the municipalities and we need to help Canadians reduce their footprint, not punish them.

Aichison publicly backed elements of former leader Erin O’Toole’s plan to combat climate change, which included a carbon pricing scheme.

According to O’Toole’s plan, Canadians will see the funds accumulated from fuel consumption stored in an account that can be used later for green purchases such as a bicycle or a transit pass. O’Toole insisted it was not a tax.

In a publication in Huntsville Doppler published last spring, Aichison said he “hoped” the party would eliminate consumer pricing and acknowledged that the proposed system “would be more complex than a tax and rebate system”, but he acknowledged that If carbon pricing is to be part of the solution, “it should help Canadians instead of punishing them.”

Aichison is working to introduce himself to Conservative members as one of the lesser-known candidates in the party’s race.

Prior to entering federal politics during the 2019 election, Aichison was mayor of Huntsville and highlighted this experience when asked what he brings to the table.

“Mayors are concerned with solving problems and getting things done. “I came to this opportunity in my career in Ottawa without any Ottawa baggage, but with years of experience in actually doing things,” he said.

He is not the only contender with local political experience, Patrick Brown is currently mayor of Brampton, but he has also served in the Ontario House of Commons and Legislature.

Aichison published his housing policy on Tuesday, which focused on increasing supply to deal with the housing crisis. In particular, he promises to end exclusionary zoning in big cities and will work with cities to “set clear rules” for new construction projects. He also promised to invest in affordable and social housing and fight money laundering.

Extending his thesis to end CTV’s exclusionary zoning, he said the federal government could bind billions of dollars sent to municipalities each year for infrastructure.

Aichison denied that the proposal sounded more like a liberal decision – tied-up funding – than conservative.

“The liberal decision is to declare billions of dollars and never achieve anything. The conservative part of this plan is actually doing something. “I don’t think Canadians are really interested in ideological consolidation, they’re really interested in solutions,” he said.

“If we can link that money to doing things … we can actually create units, and that’s the problem.”