WhatsApp will offer users the option to hide the “last seen” status from specific contacts. Currently, the chat platform allows the user to choose between not showing your status to anyone or just the number in your phonebook.
Last seen tells you when a user last checked their app. Allows senders to guess if you may have seen a message, even if read receipts are turned off.
According to WABetaInfo, in the latest beta for Android and iOS, WhatsApp will now allow you to hide “last look” from people you select from your contact list. If you go to Settings, then tap Account and select Privacy, you should see the “Last seen” option, select the option and tap “My contacts except” to fine-tune who can see your status. This is useful because you no longer need to hide your online status from everyone. You can choose who you want to exclude from your phonebook.
The platform also includes similar controls for “Profile Photos” and “About”, which allow you to restrict who is viewing your profile photo or information section.
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