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Simon Cowell from BGT gives the second gold buzzer to the comic book Axel Blake

Simon Cowell gave the second golden bell of the series in the second episode tonight of the comic book Axel Blake.

But some fans of the ITV hit were outraged by his decision.


Axel received the golden buzzer tonight


Amanda looked shocked when Simon hit the golden buzzer

While Simon was struck by Axel’s jokes about the pandemic and his pregnant girlfriend, some spectators were held up that he received the coveted golden buzzer.

One branded the decision as a correction, pointing out that Axel already has a stand-up show on the Amazon Prime streaming service – just like last night’s golden singer, singer Lauren Allred, was already a famous singer.

One said: “So last night there was a golden buzzer for a singer with a net worth of 2 million and a song in one of the greatest movies ever, and the golden bell tonight was an award-winning comedian who has a first-class show on Amazon ?? ? wtf is this series happening? “

“I’m tired of professionals getting a gold buzzer now,” said another.

Some viewers did not mention any unfair advantage, but were not impressed by the material.

“What a loss of a golden buzzer!” one angry on twitter.

“Wonderful man, but not funny,” added a second.

Another was even more brutal, calling Axel “ridiculous as piles.”

“I’ve never laughed,” said a third unimpressed viewer.

However, others were fans and praised his action.

“Axel was amazing,” one wrote.

“Hurray! Golden bell for Axel, so happy!” said another.

Another joked that Simon was influenced by the fact that Axel worked as a kitchen fitter when he was not a comedian.

“He really wants a discount for his kitchen,” joked a fan.


Simon was seriously impressed by Axel’s action