WhatsApp is launching a beta feature that will allow users to hide their “Last seen” status, profile picture and “About” information from a specific contact, while allowing everyone else to see it. The feature is currently available for those who use the beta version of WhatsApp for iOS, according to Wabetainfo.
According to the screenshots received from the WhatsApp information portal, users with the new beta update can access this feature by going to Settings> Account> Privacy. In the “Privacy” section, this new feature is available for the User’s Last View, Profile Picture, and User Information information.
Prior to the update, only three options were presented to users: Everyone, My Contact, and Nobody. The new update adds a new option that lists “My contacts other than„ “, allowing users to add contacts to the list. Contacts added to this list will not be able to see the user’s last view.
This feature was introduced for beta testers on April 16 and according to Wabetainfor may soon be introduced on more devices.
On April 15, WhatsApp announced that it will launch the Communities feature, which will help manage and organize group calls better on devices worldwide.
Communities would be like a “group directory,” according to a WhatsApp spokesman, who added that the feature would allow everyone to “manage their own community with different groups, but have some common connections.”
Anyone can create a community and invite multiple groups to join, but the groups will only become part of the community if their respective administrators accept the invitation.
It is also reported that WhatsApp is testing a feature that will increase the maximum allowable file size that users can send to 2GB from 100MB at the moment, bringing the service closer to its competitor Telegram, which allows users to send files up to 1.5GB without any compression.
Previously, Meta’s messaging service also introduced a “Connected Devices” feature for all users, allowing them to connect up to five devices to their WhatsApp chat without having to keep their main device online all the time.
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