The controversial leader of President Biden’s new disinformation board, similar to Big Brother, sparked further ridicule and disdain on Friday over chilling footage at TikTok of her adaptation of a Mary Poppins song that is related to misinformation.
Nina Jankovic’s recent idea for the tune “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” was widely circulated online on Friday after it turned out to have its own history of spreading misinformation online.
“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. This is when the trader accepts some lies and makes them sound premature by telling them in Congress or in a mass channel, so the origin of the misinformation is a little less cruel, “Jankovic sang in his February 2021 video on TikTok.
“When Rudy Giuliani shared bad information from Ukraine. Or when influential people at TikTok say COVID can’t cause pain. They launder misinformation and we really have to take that into account. And let’s not support their lies with our wallet, voice or voice, “she continued.
An open video on TikTok showed the new executive director of the Biden Administration’s Disinformation Management Council singing a revised version of Mary Poppins’ “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” tailored to “information laundering.” was intercepted by conservatives.TikTok
When Jankovic, a disinformation expert with a history of suspicion on Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell, published the footage, she wrote: “You can just call me Mary Poppins of Disinformation.”
The strange show reappeared after Jankovic revealed on Wednesday that she had been appointed executive director of the Interior Ministry’s new Orwellian “Disinformation Management Council”.
“This is Biden’s Minister of Truth,” Senator Ted Cruz tweeted Friday.
OutKick founder Clay Travis added: “This is the new head of the Biden administration of the Ministry of Truth, Nina Jankovic. She is responsible for the truth and fiction in America. Every time you think the Biden administration can’t get any funnier.
Jankovic is the head of President Biden’s new Big Brother disinformation board. Twitter
“This one should definitely be in Time Capsule 2022. #MinistryOfTruth,” tweeted Hollywood actor James Woods.
Rudy Giuliani also intervened by hitting her like “the scribble that Biden put in charge of the Ministry of Truth.”
And Post author and columnist David Marcus wrote on Twitter: “I would like to apologize for this on behalf of all the people in the theater.”
The White House addressed the video at its briefing on Friday. Fox News
Conservatives have been quick to deny Jankovic’s appointment to the disinformation board, citing her history of repeatedly questioning the Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the Biden administration’s decision to nominate its chief executive was “unacceptable,” and Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson had previously called it a “beacon of misinformation.”
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