United states

Musk sells shares of Tesla for nearly $ 4 billion – TechCrunch

Tesla CEO Elon Musk sold about 4.4 million shares of the company on Tuesday, according to regulatory documents released Thursday.

Musk, through his power of attorney, Aaron Beckman, submitted a total of five forms 4 to the US Securities and Exchange Commission to cover all 138 individual transactions.

The value of sales in the discovered files so far is about 4 billion dollars, according to estimates by TechCrunch.

The CEO tweeted Thursday: “No more TSLA sales are planned for today.”

The documents do not reveal why Musk sold his shares, something he loved to do. The money could probably go to his recent controversial plans to buy the social media platform Twitter, but it looks like $ 4 billion is unlikely to affect the $ 44 billion it will cost to acquire.

However, if Musk withdraws from the deal, he is on the hook for $ 1 billion for the fee to terminate the deal with Twitter, so at least that amount will be covered by these sales.

No more TSLA sales are planned after today

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 29, 2022