World News

Climate crisis makes extreme heat waves in India 100 times more likely – study Climate crisis

Record heat waves in northwestern India and Pakistan have been made 100 times more likely by the climate crisis, scientists say. The analysis means that the burning time that was expected every three centuries is now likely to happen every three years.

The region is currently suffering from severe heat, with the Indian capital New Delhi setting a new record above 49 ° C on Sunday, and the peak temperature in Pakistan reaching 51 ° C. Millions of people suffer from crop losses and water and electricity outages.

Climate scientists may link global warming to extreme weather events, which show that impacts are damaging life around the world right now, even at 1.1 C above pre-industrial global average temperatures.

Another study, released Wednesday, found that the extreme rains that hit Japan during Typhoon Hagibis in 2019 were 67% more likely than global warming, and that man-made climate change has increased storm damage. by $ 4 billion (£ 3.2 billion). Other recent analyzes have shown that devastating floods in South Africa and Europe, heat waves in North America and storms in Southeast Africa have been caused by the climate crisis.

A new analysis by the UK Meteorological Service estimates record temperatures in north-west India and Pakistan in April and May 2010. The current heat in the region is on track to surpass this and set a new record.

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Scientists have used 14 computer models to evaluate two scenarios, one is a hot world today and the other is a world without man-made climate change. They found that the 2010 heat wave was 100 times more likely in our hotter world. The analysis also found that such extreme heat waves will occur almost every year until the end of the century, even if carbon emissions are reduced.

“Heat spells have always been a feature of the region’s pre-monsoon climate in April and May,” said Dr. Nikos Christidis of the meteorological service. “However, our research shows that climate change is causing the heat intensity of these spells.”

Paul Hutcheon of the Met Office said: “Maximum temperatures are likely to reach 50C again in some places later in the week or weekend, with very high temperatures continuing at night.

A team of scientists uses the same method of comparison to show how global warming has exacerbated Typhoon Hagibis. “The negative effects of the continued burning of fossil fuels are already apparent and can be felt in rich countries like Japan,” said Dr Friedrich Otto of Imperial College London and head of the World Weather Attribution team. “Unless the world drastically reduces the use of oil, gas and coal, the effects of man-made climate change will continue to worsen.

The United Nations said on Wednesday that critical global indicators of the climate crisis have broken new records in 2021, from rising oceans to levels of emissions that capture heat in the atmosphere. “[This] is a grim litany of humanity’s failure to tackle climate change. “Fossil fuels are a dead end – ecologically and economically,” said Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General.

Last week, the Guardian revealed that 195 oil and gas “carbon bombs” were planned by the fossil fuel industry, which would lead to global warming above the 1.5C limit agreed by nations around the world.