“Are you good?” He finally asked the confused young man, who walked away, refusing to answer.
To make matters worse, Morrison then turned to the children and their families and asked, “Where’s Luke? Where is Luke? He probably went to the hospital. “
In fact, the boy had decided to retire gracefully when he returned home after graduation.
What this shocking meeting will say about the chances of the Liberal leader in the general election this Saturday remains to be seen, but if opinion polls are something, he cannot be written off.
After lagging far behind Labor MP Anthony Olbanese for most of the election campaign, Morrison narrowed the gap between the coalition and the opposition, suggesting that the election will be taken to the extreme.
According to an exclusive study published by the Sydney Morning Herald today (cf.), Labor had a lead of 51 percent to 49 percent in two party terms, a significant reduction to 54-46 percent, which pollsters found two weeks ago.
Morrison also cited Olbanes as the preferred prime minister with 40 to 36 percent in the latest poll. While the coalition appears to have narrowed the gap with the opposition, Labor remains a favorite in the election campaign, which is dominated by economic governance and the cost of living problems.
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