United Kingdom

A list of people who are willing to miss the discount on an energy bill of £ 400

A full list of people who will not automatically receive the new discount for an energy bill of £ 400 has been revealed. Worryingly, it involves thousands of people across the country.

If you are someone who does not pay directly to your energy bill, then unfortunately you will not receive the discount. In addition, people who pay all-in will also not qualify for the discount, according to the government.

All fees that are made must be passed on to you by your own landlord, however the government warned against promoting the new scheme. It may also vary at their discretion, they said Birmingham live .

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The list does not end there, as the tenants of Park Home are also exempt from the discount. You pay a fee to the owner of the site from the owner of a park house and in return you can use the site and its facilities.

However, not all is lost, as the site manager can reduce the amount you pay this month and then pass the discount on to tenants, according to the government. Culture Minister Chris Philip has said he will give a £ 400 discount to a charity.

Asked by LBC’s Nick Ferrari if he would follow Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s example, Mr Philip said: “I hadn’t thought about it until you asked, Nick, but I think it’s a good idea. Yes, I will give it to a local charity in Croydon. “