United Kingdom

The last war in Ukraine: The Russian bombing of a chemical plant is madness – Zelensky

To understand the importance of these systems and systems like them, we need to understand the way this war is being waged.

Now this is an artillery battle. For the most part, the way the Russians act is to blow up places of subordination. They fire these huge howitzers from howitzers, as well as missile systems with multiple launches.

At the moment, the Russians have an advantage in this, they have more systems, they have more ammunition and they have better supply lines in the areas where these battles are being fought.

The idea is that the Americans will provide the Ukrainian army with missile systems to change the game, which have twice the range of Russian systems and are much more accurate.

While Russian systems are made by hand – through trajectory and estimates – they use GPS tracking.

If the Ukrainians manage to bring them to the front line, this will allow them to surpass the cannon, exceed the range and therefore ultimately destroy the Russian artillery.