A Calgary councilor is warning dog owners to watch out for a dangerous weed that’s rampant in fields in the city’s southeast.
Evan Spencer, councilor for District 12, says foxtail barley is a native Alberta plant that thrives in disturbed and saline soil, especially when there isn’t much competition. He said you can often spot the weeds in empty fields and construction sites.
What makes the foxtail dangerous to pets is its barb—the spiny seed head that can become lodged in a dog’s fur.
“Once it’s ingested either in the fur or, say, the nasal cavity, it’s very difficult to get out,” Spencer said.
“It can be a really expensive vet bill and it also causes a lot of pain and a lot of suffering to the animals.”
Foxtail barley is a native plant to Alberta that grows well in disturbed and saline soil, Spencer says. (Paula Duhachek/CBC)
The city is taking measures to try to limit the spread of the noxious weed. Spencer said the city mows certain areas full of foxtail where pet owners frequent, such as the Auburn Bay Dog Park. He said this time of year is a particularly good opportunity to mow foxtail because it breaks off the seed head, limiting weed spread.
The city is also looking to plant microclover in some areas to increase competition, according to Spencer.
How to protect your puppy
Marzena Dabrowski of Calgary, owner of two Italian corsos, said she supports urban mowing areas where foxtail grows.
“It’s actually a serious problem,” she said.
“One of my friend’s dogs actually got it in her nasal cavity and ended up having surgery, a very bad infection.”
To avoid foxtail, Dabrowski said he usually walks his dogs on freshly cut grass.
Calgarian Marcena Dabrowski, owner of two Italian Corsos, says to avoid foxtails, she usually walks her dogs on freshly cut grass. (Paula Duhachek/CBC)
But as foxtail seeds begin to fly and become airborne, they can become difficult to avoid.
“Be careful when you take your pet out for a walk. Keep an eye on them,” Spencer said. “If they tend to sniff around, maybe look ahead to where they might go.”
Spencer also encourages dog owners to check their pets’ fur, paws and noses when they get home after a walk to make sure nothing is stuck in those areas.
“If they start coughing or sneezing, get to the vet immediately,” he said.
“It would be wise to have a little plan in terms of who here locally knows this problem in the veterinary community and can take care of it without breaking the bank.”
Foxtail ‘finds homes everywhere’
There has been talk of adding foxtail to the city’s noxious weed list, but the city’s ability to control its growth may be limited, according to Spencer.
“Right now we have a stretched parks department and public standards department,” Spencer said.
“If it gets on the noxious weed list, we’ll have 311 calls from neighbors reporting neighbors growing this in their back alley.”
The city is implementing measures to limit the spread of foxtail barley, such as mowing certain areas where the weed is widespread. (Paula Duhachek/CBC)
Spencer said responding to those calls isn’t something the city has the capacity to do, which is why it’s trying to take mitigation measures before going down the bylaw route.
Development companies have also contributed to preventing the spread of foxtail on their construction sites, Spencer said, such as by pre-emergent spraying to prevent weed growth.
“What we’re trying to do is kind of hold the development community’s feet to the fire, and they’ve been very responsive,” he said.
At the end of the day, Spencer said the foxtail “finds homes all over the place.”
Whether the city’s actions are enough to curb the weed’s spread remains to be seen.
“They ultimately want to make sure that long-term we get to a place where we can live with a healthy relationship with this plant that’s native to this city.”
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