Big Brother Spoilers await who was sent to the block in Week 4 of BB24, as The Leftovers, at least for now, rule the game and could manage to control this round from start to finish with the right moves and consistent confidence between them.
Monte nabbed the HOH key last night and the Leftovers spent the night covering their bases and checking in with each other on what they were saying to the other HGs who were left in the dark with Thursday’s eviction.
Joseph worked hard to convince Daniel that getting Nicole on the block would allow them to finally get that pesky Taylor out of the house, and Daniel seemed to be taking the bait. And this good one. But wait, Monte says they need Taylor’s trust and sending her back to the Block might not be their best move. After an afternoon full of talking with the other HGs, Monte discussed with Taylor the possibility of her returning to the Block. Would he play the pawn against Nicole?
Big Brother 24 Week 4 Nominations:
- Monte Nominee: Alice and Indy
Okay, so the plan is obvious. Taylor is still not on the block against Nicole. That’s the goal, though, and Monte plans to rename them to the danger zone on Monday *if* all goes according to plan. Of course, if Taylor and Nicole are chosen to play Veto and win, then that plan is scrapped and either Alyssa or Indy head out the door. Kyle insists it be Alice because he wants this fake nonsense to stop already.
What do you think about this election? Were these the right choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.
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