The influence of Mars in the career area of your chart means that you will be extremely ambitious in the coming year, but it also warns that you can make enemies of people who should be your friends. Remember: others don’t have to lose so you can win.
ARIES (March 21 – April 20):
If you have a chance to advance your career or achieve financial goals today, just go for it. The planets indicate that this is a tailor-made opportunity for you, but they also warn that if you hesitate even for a moment, your opponent can defeat you, so act!
TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):
Make the most of Mars in your sign to develop your own interests and get ahead of those with whom you are in some way competing. You don’t have to be aggressive, but you do have to be strong. There are no second place prizes.
GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):
Something unexpected is likely to happen today and over the weekend, but although it may surprise you, there is nothing it can do to harm you, so stay calm. Sometimes you tend to panic for no good reason!
CANCER (June 22 – July 23):
If a colleague tries to steer you away from the path you’ve chosen, it’s almost certainly because they don’t want to see you succeed. Refuse to be sidetracked and act like you know what you’re doing and don’t need anyone’s advice.
LEO (July 24 – August 23):
The most important thing today and over the weekend is to use your time wisely and not waste it on people whose drive and ambition do not match yours. If you let them bring you down to their lazy level, you will surely regret it.
VIRGO (August 24 – September 23):
There may be a lot of cosmic activity in the most sensitive area of your chart right now, but other influences mean you won’t lack energy or ambition. Avoid confrontation, but make sure your needs, personal and professional, always come first.
LIBRA (September 24 – October 23):
Now you can afford to be adventurous, especially when working as part of a group or team. The people you work with who are also your friends will help you in ways you never expected between now and the end of the month.
SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22):
Why fear the worst when there is nothing to fear? Just because certain people don’t share your goals and ambitions doesn’t mean you should think of them as against you. It matters what you do today and every day.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21):
A long-term project that has been eating up your resources needs to be brought to an end. No, that doesn’t mean abandoning it, it means putting extra time and energy into it between now and early next week. Don’t think, act!
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20):
Mars in the most dynamic area of your chart is a cosmic invitation to aim higher than ever. What is your #1 artistic and creative interest? Put as much effort into it as you can over the next few days. Create a name for yourself.
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19):
You need to be more assertive when dealing with domestic issues, but in a way that doesn’t turn loved ones against you. It won’t be easy, but someone with your intelligence can find a way – in fact, it’s a MUST if you want peace and quiet!
PISCES (February 20 – March 20):
You’re unlikely to be at a loss for words, but be careful what you say and how you say it, or you might make an enemy or two. You are not usually callous when dealing with friends and colleagues, but today you may be too blunt.
Find out more about yourself at sallybrompton.com
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