
A person with monkeypox at a homeless shelter has been moved to an isolation center, the city says

A person with a confirmed case of monkeypox was recently in a homeless shelter in Toronto, but has since been moved to the city’s COVID-19 isolation and recovery centre, the city says.

In an email Sunday, the city declined to name the shelter where the person went or specify how long the person spent at the shelter. The city also did not say whether there was an outbreak at the shelter as a result of the case.

The city said its Division of Shelter and Housing Support (SSHA) initially opened the isolation and recovery site to unhoused people with complex health needs who tested positive for COVID-19, but has now expanded its use.

“This facility will also accommodate clients who require isolation due to monkeypox,” the city said.

The city said it is working with health experts to limit the spread of communicable diseases, including monkeypox and COVID-19, in high-risk environments such as shelters. She said her shelter system has “rigorous” infection and control measures in place, and those measures include extensive cleaning and the use of personal protective equipment.

According to the city, its shelter system works with infection prevention and control specialists, known as Practice Health Check, to limit the spread of communicable diseases in shelters. These specialists conduct audits, training and planning sessions with shelter providers to help them manage outbreaks. One session in June focused on monkeypox.

Where there is a need for unaccommodated people with monkeypox or COVID-19 to be isolated in a shelter hotel, plans will be developed with shelter providers to ensure facilities operate in accordance with Department of Health guidelines for isolation and outbreaks in locations for group living, the city said.

It said SSHA is working with Toronto Public Health to determine if a monkeypox vaccination program can be developed for the shelter system.

367 monkeypox cases now in Ontario

Public Health Ontario reported Friday that there are 367 confirmed cases of monkeypox in Ontario, as well as 12 probable cases. Of the confirmed cases, nearly 78 percent were reported in Toronto.

Almost all people confirmed to be infected with monkeypox are men. Only two cases in women have been reported. The average age of those infected so far is just under 36 years.

Eleven people with monkeypox have been hospitalized and two of them need intensive care. No deaths were reported.

TPH says on its page about monkeypox: “Monkeypox is a rare viral disease that causes fever, headache, swollen lymph nodes and fatigue, followed by a rash on the person’s body. It is usually spread through very close contact with someone who has the virus. “

Anyone can get monkeypox, according to TPH, but gay and bisexual men who have sex with men “are the most affected.”

It says the virus spreads mostly between people who have had close intimate or sexual contact with a person who has the virus. It is not spread by casual contact.