Fans of “Battlegrounds Mobile India”, known simply as BGMI, are facing yet another uncertainty after the popular Battle-Royale mobile game was banned by the Indian government. But its developer, Krafton, has assured players that it is working with authorities to restore the game to digital stores.
Players noticed that BGMI became unavailable from Google Play Store and Apple App Store in India last Thursday. The relevant government agencies have not yet specifically announced whether access to the app has been banned. But esports personality Abhijeet Andhare (via TalkEsport) shared a reported statement from Sean Hyunil Sohn, head of Krafton’s India division.
“We have always complied with all laws and regulations in India, including data protection laws and regulations, and will continue to comply,” Hyunil Son said. “We are working hard to communicate our sincerity to the relevant authorities and resolve the issues. Please wait to hear back from us.”
A Google representative confirmed to Reuters that the removal of the game from the Play Store was done following a government order. The same report also quoted two sources as saying that BGMI is essentially banned in India under Section 69A of the country’s Information Technology Act. India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology invoked the same law to ban hundreds of mobile apps in 2020 — including the original “PUBG Mobile” — citing national security concerns.
The wave of bans in 2020 also came amid strained relations between India and China over border disputes in the Himalayas. “This decision is a deliberate move to ensure the safety, security and sovereignty of Indian cyberspace,” the government said in an official statement at the time.
“PUBG Mobile” is published by Chinese video game giant Tencent for global markets. But after the 2020 ban, South Korea-based Krafton took over and introduced the game titled ‘Battlegrounds Mobile India’. Krafton created it as a new game exclusively for players in India.
Hyunil Sohn maintained in a statement to TechCrunch that BGMI is a different game than PUBG. “[Indian authorities] addresses digital security and privacy concerns, and BGMI complies with all guidelines,” Hyunil Sohn told the publication.
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