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The incidents occurred late Wednesday and early Thursday in Pointe St-Charles, Montreal West and LaSalle.
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July 28, 2022 • 58 minutes ago • Read 2 minutes • Join the conversation Photo by Dario Ayala /Montreal Gazette files
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Three shooting incidents in a three-hour span left one person dead and three others in critical condition late Wednesday and early Thursday.
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Montreal police said they have made arrests in connection with one of the incidents that occurred between 11:00 p.m. Wednesday and 2:00 a.m. Thursday in Pointe St-Charles, Montreal West and the LaSalle neighborhood.
An accident that killed a 19-year-old man happened around 2 a.m. Thursday in Montreal West when three people in a car headed toward the corner of Ronald Drive and Avon Rd. were the target of gunfire from a location that has not yet been determined.
The driver of the car died on the spot, and a 17-year-old passenger was seriously injured. The third person in the vehicle fled the scene until police arrived.
A woman who identified herself as Rachel and lives near the scene of the shooting in Montreal West told the Montreal Gazette that she was just drifting off to sleep around 2 a.m. when she heard two loud “pops” and went outside just in time to see her neighbor in the street, calling 911. A car carrying at least two people crashed into a parked vehicle, she added.
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“It’s very frightening,” she said. “I ran to lock our windows because my children were sleeping and I didn’t know where this (third) person had run to.” My children play on that street — there are many children on the street, there is a kindergarten here.
Rachel said that after sunrise, the crime scene remains on the street and she has to explain to her two youngest children, ages 10 and 11, what happened, if only because the murder scene is clearly visible from a daughter’s bedroom window her
“They could see them placing … a black body bag into a black vehicle. I had to explain to my kids that what they were seeing was someone shot and killed on their street.
The killing is being investigated as the 14th homicide this year on Montreal Island.
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The suspects were taken into custody not far from the scene of the fatal shooting and are expected to be questioned by investigators.
About three hours earlier, around 11 p.m. Wednesday, two men, ages 18 and 20, were found critically injured in a shooting at the corner of Ash Ave. and Dick-Irvin St. near Le Ber Park in Pointe St-Charles.
Multiple shell casings were found at the scene and police believe the shooting occurred after an altercation between two groups. The shooting took place just a few meters from a kindergarten and several homes.
As of Thursday afternoon, both men were listed in critical but stable condition.
At 12:15 a.m., shots were fired from a moving car at a bar at the corner of Dollard Boulevard and Saguenay Street in LaSalle. No injuries were reported, but at least one bullet was found inside the building.
Crime scenes are designated at the scene of each shooting. It remained unclear early Thursday if the incidents were related.
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Shootings and violent crime are on the rise in Montreal, according to a police report
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