President Biden’s new disinformation king, Nina Jankovic, once released a rough parody version of a Christmas carol – changing the lyrics to ask who should “f-k” to be “famous and powerful”, according to resumed YouTube footage.
“I want to be rich, famous and powerful! Step on all my enemies and never do anything, “Jankovic sang in the 2015 video.” Who is waiting for me to be famous and powerful? I did everything I could, and now the rest is up to you, “wrote her version of” My Simple Christmas Wish (Rich, Famous, and Powerful). ”
Jankowicz’s lyrics were her own reversal of David Friedman’s original 1998 song with “Who do I f-k,” replacing the original line of “Who Should I Forge?”
The footage was first discovered by Breitbart and first uploaded to YouTube by the LA TI DO account.
The video by Jankowicz is the latest demonstration of her vocal tracks, which went viral this week. A shocking video of her appeared on TikTok on Friday, adapting the Mary Poppins’ classic “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” into a fake news and misinformation song.
Jankovic made TikTok, changing the lyrics to a classic Mary Poppins song. Pete Kihart
“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. That’s when the trader accepts some lies and makes them sound premature by telling them in Congress or in a mass channel, so the origin of the misinformation is a little more vicious, “she sang.
Jankovic was elected earlier this week by President Biden to head the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Management Council. The move immediately led to a howl of outrage from conservatives over fears of freedom of speech and Jankovic’s own past as a guerrilla thug.
In October 2020, she publicly questioned The Post’s accurate report on Hunter Biden’s laptop and promoted false rumors suggesting it was Russian misinformation. She is also publicly sympathetic to Taylor Lorenz, a controversial writer in the Washington Post.
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