
State of the Game Week 4 [Op-Ed] – Big Brother Network

We’re now a month into Big Brother 24 and a lot has happened. So I thought now would be the perfect time to take a look at the state of the game.

If you’ve been following along since the beginning, a lot of us (bloggers and fans) started getting pretty worried about Big Brother 24. Week 1 looked pretty ugly and pretty boring. And Week 2 also started very badly. But then things took a turn and Puch ended up blindsided. And from there, BB24 is on a very fun and enjoyable upward trajectory.

Who would have thought that Pusch’s ouster would actually set off a chain of events that would turn the season around. After Puch left, Turner and Joseph sought a little revenge. This led to some deep thinking and the realization that Taylor wasn’t a problem for them and that the rest of the house wasn’t really okay with how they were treating her. The boys, along with Monte and Kyle formed “The Pound” and decided they should go after the people behind Pooch’s death – the women, especially The Girls Girls alliance. So Amira became a target. But the boys couldn’t do that with just the four of them. So they brought in outsiders, Michael and Brittany, to join them. And then they found their secret weapon in Taylor. By this point, Taylor was all alone, so they pulled her along and the seven of them became The Rest. And now this union is currently the main storyline of Big Brother 24 and why bloggers, Live Feed watchers and fans are no longer bored.

Ameerah’s eviction last week was the kind of real dead end we love. Nobody spoiled it like we’ve seen on modern Big Brother (I’m looking at you, James Huling). Our jaws dropped and tears flowed. This was the moment that made us all fall in love with Big Brother in the first place.

So after that eviction, we’ve been rooting for The Leftovers alliance to keep their momentum going. We don’t want a steamroller, of course, but we could use another week to finish drawing that line in the sand. And Monte wins HOH, and we get just that. So now the nominees are Indy and Alyssa, and there’s a plan for Nicole’s backdoor. But what Daniel and Nicole don’t realize is that this is exactly the plan. Well, they think it was a plan, but they don’t see how it could actually work, especially now that Monte, after talking to Michael and Brittany, tried to switch it to just killing Alice this week. This would probably put Indy as Michael and Brittany’s best friend and she could be their shield.

But something really funny happened when Monte tried to make sure that Daniel or Kyle didn’t use the veto this week. Danielle thinks that means Monte is afraid of losing Taylor, so now Danielle REALLY wants to use the veto so that Taylor and Nicole go up. Daniel thinks they have the numbers to send Taylor. But really, he’s just pushing the Leftovers back to Plan A, thus sealing the fate of his #1 ally in the game. Daniel will actually be one of the main reasons Nicole is going home this week.

And that’s the more beautiful artistry of Big Brother.

So we have good gameplay meets bad gameplay and then chaos ensues. And when we’re not seeing it all play out in ceremonies and meetings, we have really intense conversations about games between both sides of the house. The Leftovers PLAY the game. And they always talk about it. Joseph and Kyle are always scheming. Michael is always thinking ahead. There’s just a lot of great Big Brothering going on. And we are grateful.

will it last Hard to say. This can be done in several ways. Things can blow up quickly, fall apart and turn ugly again. Or the Leftovers could make steam and make it kind of boring. Or we could make some power shifts like old school BB and have one of the best seasons in recent memory. It’s Big Brother after all and you know the motto. I hope it continues to entertain and impress because it makes my job so much easier when I’m not hating everyone and actually enjoying the game.

I’ve already seen some concern among fans that The Leftovers might dominate the game, and that’s not everyone’s ideal scenario. And I understand that. It’s really fun when the power goes back and forth (it’s one of the reasons Big Brother 6 remains one of the most popular seasons). But I don’t mind a little steamroll because I really don’t like the other side of the house. I mean, look how BB6 ended. We liked the season, but not this finale, right? Cookout took a spin last season, and it remained entertaining (albeit frustrating) when they had to face off against each other. So maybe we can just look forward to that moment with The Leftovers… I don’t know. I just know that I’m enjoying the moment and I want to keep it up for a while.

What do you think of Big Brother 24 right now and what do you want to happen?