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Amber Heard calls dumping Johnny Depp’s bed a “terrible practical joke”

Earlier in the trial of Johnny Depp against Amber Heard, the actor testified that his ex-wife threw him on his bed. When asked by Hurd’s defense about the incident on the night of her 30th birthday, they tried to get him to say it was dog feces.

However, Johnny was adamant that he was 100% sure it was human waste, as he already knew his own dogs. Here is what Depp said during the trial about the whole incident: “My initial response to this was, I laughed. It was so outside, so strange and so grotesque that I could only laugh. I lived with these dogs. I chose not the dogs. “

Hurd confessed to one of Johnny Depp’s bodyguards.

Starling Jenkins, one of Johnny Depp’s security officers, testified before the jury last week and suggested a new picture of the incident. After Hurd’s birthday dinner on April 21, 2016, she went on a planned trip to Coachella that month.

When the housekeeper of their Hollywood Hills mansion cleaned Depp’s room, she reportedly found feces on his bed. Depp said his ex-wife blamed two small dogs, which weighed 4 pounds each. The poop on Johnny’s bed was too big for a dog, a little like these two. But Jenkins offered the final clue that eventually solved the mystery.

As it turns out, Amber Heard is twisted enough to actually put human feces on Johnny Depp’s bed. It is not yet known if she was the perpetrator who climbed there, but at least she confessed to the crime.

Jenkins swore that he had talked about the “surprise” she left on the boss’s bed. He also revealed that Hurd had told him it was “a terrible practical joke that went wrong”. Either you have to have a lot of courage, or something is wrong in your head to think that climbing on someone’s bed is funny in some way. In the East, the world now knows who did it.