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Katz’s confirms Brooklyn shooting suspect Frank James has not eaten delicacies

It smells more fishy than lox on rye.

The owner of Katz’s Deli on Friday staged a kibbutz of reports that accused subway lunatic Frank James had lunch at the famous diner an hour or two before his arrest, the restaurateur told The Post: “We watched the video, we don’t see it.”

James, who faces terrorism charges for allegedly firing 33 rounds of ammunition aboard Train N traveling to Manhattan during a rush hour rush hour on Tuesday, has been leading cops in a “wild goose chase” for more than a day. after changing clothes and getting out of the scene of the attack.

Meanwhile, he wanders around the Big Apple, where he has been spotted at Slope Park, Chinatown, East Village and, according to many news reports, grabs lunch at the iconic delicacy, a tourist paradise on East Houston Street, famous for its Jewish cuisine. classics.

But according to high-ranking police sources and Katz’s owner, the alleged sighting at the restaurant is nothing but a fish story.

The publication, which was the first to tell the story, cites a single “source” who claims that James crashed into Katz’s “a few hours” after 10:30 a.m. before heading to McDonald’s on First Avenue and East Sixth Street. However, even the report notes that no delicacy can confirm that James was there.

Another newspaper later reported the observation, citing “police sources”.

The alleged shooter in the subway is believed to have been seen on Kanal Street the day after the shooting. Jack Griffin / Twitter A Twitter user posted photos of who is believed to be Frank James, the alleged subway shooter, just before his arrest the day after the shooting.Jack Griffin / Twitter Katz’s Deli owner said they checked security records for James and did not see him. JC Rice

But half a dozen law enforcement sources told The Post on Friday that New York City police had no confirmed record of James visiting Katz, nor that staff there had been interviewed by detectives, as witnessed elsewhere.

When The Post visited Katz’s on Friday afternoon to track the store’s allegations, the restaurant’s owner, Jake Dell, said their stories did not match.

“I looked at the cameras from [11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday]. I am confident [James] he did not enter at the time, “Dell said, adding that the delicacy had” more than 60 “surveillance cameras. “We watched the video, we didn’t see it.

The accused subway shooter Frank James was arrested on April 13. Alec Tabak The injured are waiting for medical help at 36 Street Subway Station. ARMEN ARMENIAN through REUTERS

“Could it have been before?” Or after? Tuesday or last week? “We have thousands of people coming here to eat a pastrami sandwich,” Dell said.

“The cops didn’t come here, they didn’t ask me to watch the video. I just looked at it out of curiosity, “he added. “I do not know where this rumor came from.

“I don’t even know who that source is,” Dell said.

It just looks like lazy reporting to me.

Additional reports by Larry Selona and Craig McCarthy