Ursula von der Leyen has proposed a total ban on Russian oil imports into the EU, saying Vladimir Putin must pay “a high price for his brutal aggression” in Ukraine.
Member states in Brussels are considering a proposed sixth package of sanctions, but in a speech Wednesday, the European Commission’s president said Russian oil flows must stop.
Von der Layen said Russia’s crude oil supplies would be banned within six months and refined products would be banned by the end of the year, while acknowledging calls from countries such as Slovakia and Hungary for more flexibility.
“Let’s be clear: it will not be easy,” von der Leyen told the European Parliament. “Some member states are heavily dependent on Russian oil. But we just have to work on it. We are now proposing a ban on Russian oil. This will be a total ban on imports of all Russian oil, marine and pipeline, crude and refined.
“We will make sure that we gradually eliminate Russian oil in an orderly manner, in a way that allows us and our partners to provide alternative delivery routes and minimize the impact on world markets.
Russian imports account for 25% of EU oil imports and are a major source of revenue for the Kremlin, but the level of dependence varies and Slovak and Hungarian ministers have already said they will seek exceptions to the proposals.
The package of sanctions will require unanimous support from EU member states, whose representatives in Brussels have already begun discussing the details, hoping to reach an agreement by the end of the week.
As Von der Leyen tried to unite the EU to take the next step, she spoke about the names of Ukrainian cities that have been the target of brutal Russian bombing or evidence of war crimes.
She told MEPs that the EU should further target military figures involved in the massacre of civilians in the city of Bucha, north of Kyiv, and the siege of the port city of Mariupol with restrictive measures and block Russian state television broadcasting in the 27 Member States.
“This sends another important signal to all those responsible for the Kremlin’s war: we know who you are and you will be responsible,” she said. “With all these steps, we are depriving the Russian economy of its ability to diversify and modernize.
The EU will also remove Sberbank – Russia’s largest bank – and two other major banks from the Swift payment system, according to the latest package of sanctions.
“Putin wanted to erase Ukraine from the map. “Obviously it won’t work,” she said. “On the contrary, Ukraine has risen to unity. And this is his own country, Russia, he is sinking. “
The EU is preparing to be the main sponsor of Ukraine’s economic recovery from the war, with billions already taken, but Von der Leyen has called on the United States and others to equalize.
Ukraine’s GDP is expected to fall 30% to 50% this year alone, she said, with the IMF estimating that Ukraine would require 5 billion euros (4.2 billion British pounds) a month “to keep the country running.” paying pensions, salaries and basic services’.
“We have to support them, but we can’t do it alone,” Von der Layen said. “I welcome the fact that the United States has announced huge budget support. And we, as a team of Europe, will also do our part. “
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She continued: “Europe has a very special responsibility to Ukraine. With our support, Ukrainians can rebuild their country for the next generation.
“That is why today I offer you to start working on an ambitious package to restore our Ukrainian friends. This package must bring huge investments to meet the needs and necessary reforms. It must address the existing weaknesses of the Ukrainian economy and lay the foundations for sustainable long-term growth.
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