WhatsApp has finally announced Communities, a feature related to the group that has been under development for months. Although the feature will not be immediately available to all users, WhatsApp will introduce it slowly. In short, the community feature will allow WhatsApp users to combine multiple group chats in one place, thus forming a community of multiple groups for a similar purpose. Continue reading to learn more about the WhatsApp communities.
At the launch of WhatsApp Communities, Mark Zuckerberg said that “we have created WhatsApp communities to make it easier to organize all your group chats and find information.” Adding to it, Zuckerberg says: “We are also adding new features to WhatsApp groups, including reactions, sharing large files and larger group calls. Find out more about what WhatsApp communities are, how administrators will be able to manage WhatsApp communities, and whether the feature will be protected.
What are WhatsApp communities?
WhatsApp Communities will enable people to “unite separate groups under one umbrella with a structure that works for them.” WhatsApp believes that in this way users will receive all the updates related to the community formed around one topic. As shown in the title image, WhatsApp Communities will group several groups together and allow administrators to send messages to all groups at once.
WhatsApp Communities administrators will be able to control chats
Administrators will be responsible for creating and managing WhatsApp communities. Administrators will be able to choose which groups can become part of their community, or create new groups, or add existing groups. In addition, group administrators will be able to disconnect groups from the community and also be able to remove individual members of the community. In addition, group administrators will be able to delete inappropriate or abusive chats or media for all group members.
Will WhatsApp communities be secure?
Given the private nature of chats in these cohesive communities, WhatsApp will continue to protect end-to-end encryption messages so that only members of the respective groups can see them and no one else. This security technology protects sensitive conversations between organizations, workplaces and personal groups.
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