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Lisa introduced herself as the musical guest of SNL

“Ladies and gentlemen, I!” – Face, music icon and goddess of comedy

Lisa can officially add “comedy genius” to her post-host resume Saturday night live this week.

She completely coped with her first time as a presenter and also went down in the history of the show as the first woman to introduce herself as a musical guest.

Usually, when someone is both a host and a musical guest, he is represented by SNL cast members or special guests. Like when Billy Aish was introduced by his parents!


Billy was the host and musical guest in December 2021.

And Lizo had some help! Her mother was in the audience and presented her second performance.


See how proud Lizo’s mother looks! Lovely.

But there was no one better than Lizo herself to present the performance of her latest single “About Damn Time”.


Is this how I will enter the rooms from now on? Perhaps.

On Sunday morning, Lizo confirmed that he was the first host to do so.


13:38 – April 17, 2022 Lizzo / NBC

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Lizo to return as a host and introduce herself soon so she can introduce herself again!

UPDATE: Lisa is not actually the first person to introduce herself as a musical guest, but she is the first woman to do so. She tweeted her correction on Sunday afternoon:

Oops, haha, they told me I was the first 😭😭😭 the first woman, then haha ​​everything is fine!

19:01 – April 17, 2022 Lizzo / SNL

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