WhatsApp is testing a beta feature to hide the user’s “last seen” status from certain contacts, according to the WhatsApp beta news blog WABetaInfo.
WhatsApp “last look” allows other users to know when someone last opened the app and can hint if they checked the app without replying to a message. You can now hide your “last sight” from everyone, but that means you can’t see anyone else’s. There is also an option to set a “last look” only for your contacts, but you cannot select specific people to be aware of.
Here are the current “last seen” privacy options available on WhatsApp:
WhatsApp’s current Last Seen privacy feature. Credit: Screenshot: WhatsApp
The new feature will add “My contacts other than …” to this list, which will make it possible to block certain people from viewing “last seen”. It is currently in beta for both iOS and Android and we hope to be released soon for all WhatsApp.
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