
The RCMP’s review of old sexual abuse files sent more than 200 back to investigators

The RCMP reviewed more than 30,000 of its previous investigations into sexual assault and found “permanent deficiencies” in the way they were treated – including some cases of investigators failing to interview victims and suspects.

The review, which examined sexual assault investigations conducted between 2015 and 2017 and did not lead to charges, sent 327 files for further investigation – about one percent of all files.

Of these, 242 were reopened, leading to an oath of 26 charges.

“Although this number seems small in light of the total number of files reviewed, it should be emphasized that the files were recommended for reopening and / or further investigative steps when serious investigative problems were identified and when additional steps were assessed. could potentially lead to a different outcome (eg when levying or recommended fees), ”RCMP spokesman Robin Percival said in an email to CBC News.

The investigation of past investigations was something the RCMP promised after an explosive Globe and Mail report revealed flaws in the way Canadian police handle allegations of sexual violence.

The newspaper’s investigation found that investigators dismissed about one in five cases of sexual violence as unjustified – a much higher rate than other types of crime.

The RCMP established the National Sexual Assault Review Team (SART) in 2017 and announced that it would read past cases of sexual violence for omissions in the investigation.

“The review identified persistent deficiencies in some files that require action to address training and oversight gaps,” the RCMP said.

Percival said the RCMP found that in some cases no interviews were conducted with victims, while in others investigators failed to interview suspects. The review team also noted a lack of documentation in some cases and cases where exhibits were not submitted for laboratory analysis.

The victims’ lawyer is not surprised

In some cases, officers failed to use the RCMP’s Violent Crime Relationship Analysis System, which aims to help investigators identify serial crimes and criminals.

Angela Marie McDougall, executive director of the Vancouver-based Homicide Support Services, said the findings were not at all surprising.

“These findings would be in line with what we see on the front line every day,” she said. “What we end up doing most of the time is advocating for the police so that they can follow their own policies and procedures, such as conducting an appropriate investigation.

But pressuring police and requiring examinations is time-consuming, she said.

“How much time does someone have in their day to keep the police responsible for their work?” She said.

“To what extent can survivors expect the criminal justice system to do so [offer] a measure of justice? “

Angela Marie McDougall is the executive director of support services for the massacred women in Vancouver. (Submitted by Angela Marie McDougall)

Percival said the review team used a three-step system to sort out the cases. They will start by checking an electronic file and highlighting any loopholes in the investigation. If the reviewer believes that the file has not been properly investigated, it is sent for a second review.

A small group of reviewers was then tasked with recommending specific files for follow-up. The individual examiners then determined whether the additional investigation could change the outcome for specific files and made recommendations based on this decision.

Most of the cases sent back to the units were action

Investigators handled 74% of the files sent back to the departments.

Of the files that remain closed, Percival said local investigators may have other information that was not available to SART. She said the additional information could have “led local investigators to re-evaluate the file and deal with it differently from SART’s recommendations”.

The RCMP said that in the future, its review team will routinely review investigations into sexual violence that end without charge.

The forces said they also plan to conduct a review of sexual violence investigations involving young people aged 12 to 17 this year.

Percival said part of the team’s mandate is to review many types of investigations into sexual violence, “especially those involving potentially vulnerable groups.”

Despite promises from the RCMP headquarters, McDougall said she was not convinced much would change on the ground.

“I don’t expect there to be any exercise that will actually reach the front line patrol officers,” she said.

“I don’t expect there to be any lasting change and I don’t think I’m wrong.”