Ezra Miller was arrested on suspicion of assault on Tuesday, the second time the actor, known for Flash’s role in the Justice League and other films, has been arrested in Hawaii in recent weeks.
Miller was angered when he was asked to leave the gathering at a home on the Big Island and threw a chair, hitting a woman in the forehead, according to a press release from the Hawaiian Police Department.
The woman refused treatment for cutting her forehead by half an inch, police said.
Miller, described by police as a 29-year-old Vermont visitor, was arrested during a traffic stop and released pending further investigation.
It is unclear how Miller’s arrest affects Tuesday’s charge of his arrest last month at a Big Island karaoke bar. Miller was charged with harassment and hooliganism after police said the actor grabbed a microphone from a singing woman and threw himself at a man playing darts.
Miller attended an event at the Brooklyn Naval Court on November 5, 2018 in New York. According to the Hawaiian Police Department, the actor threw a chair during a private gathering, hitting a woman. (Evan Agostini / Invision / AP)
Miller was aggravated by the performance of the ballad by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper Shallow, said Hawaii Police Assistant Chief Kenneth Kyocho.
Miller is also due to be charged Tuesday in a separate trafficking case. Police were called to a dispute in downtown Hilo last month, where Miller did not cooperate, refused to leave the area and obstructed the sidewalk, Kyocho said.
Miller’s lawyer from Hawaii did not immediately respond to a statement asking for comment on the latest arrest. Another lawyer and Miller’s representative also did not respond immediately to requests for comment.
Lawyer Francis Alcaine requested that Tuesday’s court hearing, scheduled for next week, be postponed. Alcaine told the court, saying his client “has various time-sensitive work responsibilities in California and / or New York” and needs an earlier hearing “to resolve the issue.”
A day after Miller was released on $ 500 bail for a karaoke bar, a couple from the Big Island filed a petition for a temporary restraining order, claiming the actor had broken into their bedroom and threatened them. A judge dropped the case last week after the couple’s lawyer asked for it.
William Dean, the couple’s lawyer, declined to say why his clients no longer want to pursue a restraining order against Miller.
Miller also plays a key role in the third installment of Harry Potter’s Spinof Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets.
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