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“This is the beginning of justice for Jonathan.”
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April 20, 2022 • 1 hour ago • 3 minutes reading • 6 comments Grace Gale and her son Jonathan in the game Raptors on Grace’s birthday, February 22, 2017 Photo by SUPPLIED / FAMILY
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His name was Johnny Gale, and he was the type who would drive two young men in his car if they wanted one.
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He trusted her that way. He would never have suspected that he would be killed in the prime of his life for no good reason. The two young men convicted of second-degree murder on Wednesday may have robbed Gail of his life and stolen it from his family.
But they did not erase the kindness of the 29-year-old.
“Jonathan’s long legacy is that he was a good man,” his mother Grace said in an interview after an 11-member jury found two men – only 18 at the time – guilty of senseless murder by shooting so many. beloved and respected TSN journalist. “He was just a good man to be around and people wanted to be. He illuminated every room he was in. ”
So on December 12, 2018, it was no surprise to his brother Justin that coming from a meeting with his Christian pastor, Johnny would offer transportation to two young men who said they needed one.
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“We may never know all the details, but I believe he offered to take them to help them,” Justin said. “That was him.”
Jonathan Gale, his mother, Grace and brother Justin, along with Justin’s newborn daughter, Vienna Gale, on December 25, 2017. DELIVERED / FAMILY
Gale is said to have been shot after a battle in a moving car and crashed in Etobico soon after.
Two men escaped from the car and left Johnny there to die.
But Toronto police homicide squad Sergeant Terry Brown and his team set to work and filed a comprehensive case against the two, which included fingerprints, video, blood and DNA evidence, which took the jury 10 hours to complete. convicted Samir Adem and Salman Ahmed, now 22, of second-degree murder.
Although such a sentence comes with a life sentence, a hearing on how many years they will have to serve before they are entitled to parole will come in the coming weeks.
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“The way we see it is the beginning of justice for Jonathan, but there is still a big gap,” his mother said. “Whatever is decided, Jonathan will not return.”
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This is such a loss. His career was just beginning to speak. In fact, he was in discussions with TSN to start reporting on air, and as his former Rogers Sportsnet colleague and “close” friend Nichal Diar said, “he will take a seat in our industry.”
Besides, everyone remembers his kindness the most.
“He was so generous and so caring,” Diar said. “Everyone loved Johnny.”
Johnny and his mother, Grace, February 22, 2018. DELIVERED / FAMILY
His cousin Colinette said the city, his friends and colleagues and his family “lost Jonathan for the rest of their lives”.
His mother, Grace, said she relied on her faith to help her cope and felt that “God wanted this to happen to protect others.”
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Justin said that he hoped that this would result in his brother “inspiring others to be positive and help people”.
In my opinion, this heinous murder is a complete and utter disgrace. Innocent people continue to be killed. One of these killers has been in court before, but like many other times, he was free to roam the streets to ruin a young man’s life and dreams. Instead of continuing to lead the life and career Johnny was about to have, he was robbed of it in a senseless and cowardly crime.
Johnny Gale is now joining the list of so many innocent people who have met their deaths from the careless play of ruthless criminals who care about no one but themselves.
Police have arrested two in the 2018 Johnny Gale-West murder
WARMINGTON: TSN’s Johnny Gale-West, victim of senseless murder
Now Johnny’s family has only a memory of him to cling to.
“We were all so proud of him,” his mother said.
Will he remember his name in Toronto? His mother, brother, cousins and friends will certainly do it.
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