
Pat King: The crown to put new charges

Ottawa convoy organizer Pat King faces two new charges a day after his bail review hearing was halted abruptly and unexpectedly on Wednesday, when his lawyer’s computer appeared to be hacked.

The details of the hacking were protected by a publication ban ordered by Judge Graham Mu, but he overturned the order this morning after hearing arguments from a lawyer representing several media outlets.

The rest of the evidence and testimony from the court on Wednesday and today still cannot be shared.

Today, the Crown announced it would raise new charges against King: perjury and obstruction of justice.

These charges are expected to be filed this afternoon.

King’s lawyer, David Goodman, was in a video conference during Wednesday’s hearing when a robotic female voice began speaking from his computer, warning him not to turn off or restart the machine because his IP address was available.

Crown later reported that Goodman’s client files appeared to have been compromised, but today Goodman says nothing has been damaged.

It is unclear whether the attack had anything to do with King’s case.

While the trial was adjourned today, King was seen putting his head in his hands. His hearing on bail will be postponed to a later date.

New charges are expected to be filed later today.

– Glen McGregor (@glen_mcgregor) April 14, 2022

The court extended the ban on publication to report details of the alleged hack, but overturned the order today. Lawyer David Goodman says the issue has been resolved and none of his files have been compromised. Strange development.

– Glen McGregor (@glen_mcgregor) April 14, 2022

This report from The Canadian Press was first published on April 14, 2022.