United states

A stormy night in Oklahoma has sparked several tornado warnings

A series of strong thunderstorms passed through central Oklahoma on Saturday night, triggering several tornado warnings throughout the evening, and for most of central Oklahoma at night, by 4 a.m., a new thunderstorm observation was issued. storm.

There were no confirmed tornadoes from Saturday night, but there may have been at least one or two touchdowns. There were also reports of some damage from these storms. Viewers warned News 9 of damage in Lawton, and meteorologist Hannah Scholl of News 9 reported damage in Midwest City. A storm in eastern Oklahoma County caused a possible short-lived tornado near Tinker Air Force Base. News 9 Storm Tracker Brandon Pennel showed viewers a powerful live flash, which shows chief meteorologist David Payne that a tornado may have fallen.

Early iterations of the storms led to tornado warnings for the Stillwater area, and a threatening storm caused considerable concern for the southwestern parts of the subway in Oklahoma City and Moore.

A dry line passed through central Oklahoma, which made the atmosphere unstable and opened us up to some strong storms.

New rain and storms are expected during the night southeast of Interstate Corridor 44. Heavy rain is possible. Some of these storms could return to the Oklahoma City subway.

Rain is also expected early Sunday morning, prompting Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon staff to withdraw one hour by 7:30 a.m.

After a break in the middle of the morning, more precipitation is expected on Sunday afternoon.

Stay tuned to News 9, online and in the News 9 weather app. We’ll keep you posted.