Une famille de la région de Montréal s’évanouit après avoir appris qu’elle ne pourra pas enterrer son oncle, comme prévu, au cimetière Notre-Dame...
Category - World News
Verliert nun auch die AfD wegen ihres Rechtsrucks Spenden? Das muss das Gericht entscheiden. Der Fall: Der Berliner Unternehmer Christian Kravinkel will 100...
A shooting at a mall in Columbia, South Carolina, injured several people. Authorities said the shooting took place at 2.30pm on Saturday afternoon at the...
Wendy Rieger, a longtime News4 presenter and reporter, died Saturday morning after battling glioblastoma. Wendy was holding her husband Dan’s hand when...
An enraged landlady believes her driveway was being used by airport fraudsters after a mysterious car was parked in front of her home for five days. Debbie...
Content of the article The shockingly stabbing death of a young professional in his luxury portfront apartment may have been “a robber who went off the...
Emmanuel Macron, candidat à la présidentielle, lors de son meeting du samedi 16 avril 2022 à Marseille. LAURANT CIPRIANI / AP Il avait promis de « terminer »...
Kiew: Die Zahl ist deutlich niedriger Moskau: Mehr als 23.000 getötete ukrainische Soldaten 16. April 2022, 21:11 Uhr Laut Selenskyj sind in den sieben Wochen...
Taliban authorities warned Pakistan on Saturday after five children and a woman were killed in Afghanistan in alleged rocket attacks by Pakistani forces in a...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has spread his policy of tightening checks on trucks entering Texas from Mexico, a week after implementing a policy that led Mexican...