Der Spanier, der seit vielen Jahren den ambivalenten Titel des „Skandalregisseurs“ trägt, hat auf der Bühne der Staatsoper keineswegs eine Skandalinszenierung...
Russia’s flagship cruiser Moscow sank in the Black Sea off southern Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said. It is still unclear whether the ship was...
Patrick Lioja’s father said his son was “killed like an animal” after recent videos showed the 26-year-old black man was fatally shot by a...
21.09 Damaged Russian warship “Moscow” sank – the Russian Ministry Russia’s Defense Ministry has issued a statement saying its missile...
The image shared by NASA garnered more than 449,000 likes. The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a stunning image of a crater on...
“Je sais que le président Joe Biden est profondément préoccupé par le risque d’une troisième guerre mondiale”, a déclaré jeudi le chef de la...
Stand: 15.04.2022 03:50 Der russische Präsident sucht die Nähe zur orthodoxen Kirche. Statt Friedensbotschaften predigt ihr Patriarch Kirill Loyalität und Hass...
An additional 30 people are in hospital with COVID-19 compared to a week ago, and another 23 have died after a positive test for the disease, according to...
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The Queen is expected to miss the traditional Easter Sunday this weekend, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday, while Prince Charles is handing out a lot of...