“Je sais que le président Joe Biden est profondément préoccupé par le risque d’une troisième guerre mondiale”, a déclaré jeudi le chef de la...
Stand: 15.04.2022 03:50 Der russische Präsident sucht die Nähe zur orthodoxen Kirche. Statt Friedensbotschaften predigt ihr Patriarch Kirill Loyalität und Hass...
An additional 30 people are in hospital with COVID-19 compared to a week ago, and another 23 have died after a positive test for the disease, according to...
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The Queen is expected to miss the traditional Easter Sunday this weekend, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday, while Prince Charles is handing out a lot of...
One of the last video rental shops in British Columbia has announced plans to close this summer. Black Dog Video, a major product in East Vancouver, surpassed...
À cinq mois de l’élection du prochain chef du Parti conservateur du Canada (PCC), la partie était loin d’être gagnée par Jean Charest. • Lire aussi...
Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre App. Wir haben unsere SPIEGEL-Bewerbung erneuert. Leider funktionieren ältere Versionen der App aus technischen Gründen nicht mehr...
A strange “portal of hell” with a strange swirling effect left people perplexed as they opened into a lake. The terrifying 75-foot-wide hole acts...
More than a dozen street gangs in Los Angeles have targeted wealthy residents as part of a disturbing model of violent robbery that has killed hundreds of...