Michigan police released footage of a black man shot in the back of the head by a white cop during a battle for a police officer’s camp after the...
A senior Estonian defense chief praised the United Kingdom for its support in deterring Russian aggression in Ukraine, but called on Western allies to double...
San Francisco: China’s TikTok short video app is testing a private dislike button for comments, and users can mark comments they find...
La séquence montre un militant d’Ibiza tenant une légende en forme de cœur avec une photo de Mme Le Pen et de Vladimir Poutine, rapidement renversé par...
Bundeskanzler Karl Nechamer (ÖVP) gab zusätzliche Informationen zu seinem Treffen mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin. Putin selbst habe die Gasfrage...
One of the most important warships of the Russian Navy either sails abandoned or on the bottom of the Black Sea, a huge blow to the military fighting against...
A Russian naval cruiser, which was disgracefully cursed by a brave Ukrainian soldier at the start of the war, was “badly damaged”, according to the...
A woman who has been waiting nearly four years to have various NHS operations says the impact of the delays is “soul-destroying.” Across England...
Is the tax on the empty house growing? The Canadian Press – April 13, 2022 / 17:30 | History: 365988 Photo: pixabay The mayor of Vancouver has announced...
Comment le Covid à long terme affecte-t-il la santé des patients ? Pour répondre, les chercheurs ont analysé les dossiers médicaux de 25 910 volontaires de la...