Auch die Ukraine setzt im Kampf gegen Putins Truppen auf psychologische Kriegsführung. Dies geschieht mit der amerikanischen Gesichtserkennungssoftware...
Covid-19 cases are on the rise again in the United States, but this time there is little impetus for new restrictions or funding to combat them. The number of...
Here are your top FOX Business Flash titles for April 15th. The US Coast Guard is looking for a man who reportedly jumped overboard the cruise ship Carnival...
A body was found by a river in search of a 21-year-old man who has been missing for 19 days. Nathan Fleetwood disappeared after a night out in Shrewsbury...
An employee was seriously injured after a stolen taxi crashed into a parked police cruiser in Pickering, Durham Regional Police said. Police received a call...
EN DIRECT – Présidentielle 2022 J-8 : 23 000 personnes dans la rue pour dire “non à l’extrême droite” RTL DIRECT. Présidentielle 2022 :...
Dramatische Szenen in Tribuswinkel (NÖ): Während eines Fußballspiels hat ein Spieler seine Spielzüge verschluckt. Ein Kollege rettete ihn vor dem Tod. Das...
FORT IRUIN, Calif. __ U.S. Army trainers use the lessons learned from the Russian war against Ukraine as they prepare soldiers for future battles against a...
CLEVELAND – Bill Boldin, a Cleveland Major League baseball fan for most of his 52 years, conducted an informal poll Friday as he waited to meet friends...
In the end, it was impossible not to focus on the moment Zack Steffen wanted to be everywhere, but here, too, Liverpool took the lead as a vice in this semi...