New Delhi: Online discussion forum Reddit added the ability to search for comments for the first time to help improve search results for its more than 50 million users daily.
With this latest update, which is being released first for desktop users, it can be accessed by heading to the initial feed and clicking in the search bar to perform a search.
“Additional new features include completely new search user interfaces and improved search relevance,” the company said in an update.
With this new feature, users looking for specific discussions or comments on Reddit no longer have to click on multiple posts and then scroll through what can sometimes be thousands of comments to find topics that are right for them.
The new feature quickly allows “editors” to search for comments directly and further refine their searches by searching for comments in certain communities.
“In our limited initial testing, we saw that more than 26,000 redditors used comment search to scan more than five billion comments,” the company said.
Based on user feedback, it now prioritizes posts over other types of content in its updated search design and simplifies the results page so users can more easily view results and find what they’re looking for.
The team is also working to make the search safer for all users by reducing the number of unexpected results based on the searcher’s intent.
“In the first quarter of 2022 alone, we saw a 20% increase over the fourth quarter of 2021 in users using the Reddit search feature,” the platform notes.
Everything on Reddit can now be searched – users, posts, communities and now comments – making it one of the first platforms with this feature.
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