Keller-Sutter besucht eine Ukrainerin bei der Arbeit Bundesrätin Karin Keller-Suther will, dass Menschen mit Schutzstatus S in der Schweiz Arbeit finden. Um...
Category - World News
The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) issued the order at the request of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who said the action was “in support of...
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook Inc., on the right, pauses as he speaks as Javier Olivan, vice president of growth and analysis at Facebook Inc., reviews the...
Two serving police officers in Manchester have been accused of creating or distributing an indecent image of a child. Cameron Barker, 26, and James Williams...
Saskatchewan continues to be a leader in the country when it comes to new cases of HIV reported per capita. According to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health...
Devant le micro de TMS, l’ancien président a assuré qu’en soutenant un socialiste dissident pour les législatives, il préparait une...
Trotz der Probleme erholt sich der Arbeitsmarkt in Niederösterreich weiter. Die Arbeitslosenquote ist laut Landesrat Eichtinger so niedrig wie zuletzt im Mai...
In honor of Her Majesty’s forthcoming platinum anniversary, yesterday’s episode of the BBC television show (May 31) was filmed at Westpoint Arena...
A Texas senator has accused Governor Greg Abbott (right) on Wednesday of trying to “make” Texans “think we’re actually going to do...
Shooting in Tulsa: Five killed in attack on medical clinic Four people were killed in an active shooting at a medical facility in Oklahoma, according to...