Five hours have passed since the collapse of a 13-story building on the beach in Surfside, Florida, last June, when rescue teams first heard a female voice...
The European Union is considering a targeted trade war against troubled Brexit lawmakers and Tory ministers, sources told The Telegraph as the bloc considered...
The victim of an attempted car theft in Etobico said yesterday that her situation could have been much worse if passers-by had not intervened and that the...
Décidément ces élections législatives donnent lieu à des scènes surprenantes à la télévision. Après que Mélanie Fortier, candidate du RN aux législatives, ait...
Stand: 18.05.2022 23:14 Uhr Im kollektiven Arbeitskampf gibt es eine Einigung für die kommunalen Tagelöhner und andere Beschäftigte sozialer Berufe. Die...
At the beginning of the invasion, the Russian 59th Panzer Regiment was digging east of Kharkov. Near the strip of trees on the raised ground, they looked down...
Boston – The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) today confirmed a single case of monkeypox virus infection in an elderly man traveling to...
Priti Patel rejected key recommendations to prevent a repeat of the Grenfell tragedy, instead sticking to the “stay put” advice in high-rise...
Tom Cruise Photo: Joe Maher / Stringer (Getty Images) During questions and answers at the Cannes Film Festival in 2022, Tom Cruise made very clear his position...
L’ancien roi d’Espagne Juan Carlos Ier, expulsé des Émirats arabes unis depuis août 2020 pour détournement de fonds, rentrera jeudi dans son pays...